
Filipino American Gets Award for Work

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At the slightest urging, Rudy T. Reyes of Huntington Beach would open a scrapbook he carries with him most of the time to a picture of a mayor and two state legislators at a gathering with a group of Filipino Americans.

Nothing dramatic about the snapshot. But Reyes, who is in the picture with his wife, says that it is an indication politicians are finally paying attention to the Filipino American community.

“The trouble with Filipino Americans is that we came here in large numbers and then kind of disappeared,” Reyes said. “We don’t have Little Saigons, Little Tokyos or Koreatowns. Most of us like the anonymity of living in the suburbs.”


Although one of the largest ethnic groups in California, Filipino Americans often are considered the “invisible minority,” said Reyes, an Orange County resident for the past 12 years.

According to the 1990 Census, the United States has about 1.4 million people of Filipino descent, more than half of them on the West Coast. More than 30,000 live in Orange County.

Reyes, 49, said that Filipino Americans must be politically active, starting at the local level, to be taken seriously. Several have been elected to public office, but the majority do not want to get involved, he said.


“We need people who will take the time and effort to educate the community,” Reyes said.

Reyes, a sales representative with FHP Inc., recently received the Los Angeles County Achievement Award for his work in the Filipino American community in the Long Beach area.

He was recognized for promoting the culture by organizing events, such as the patriotic day and fiesta on June 18 that attracted hundreds of participants, including public officials.

He has helped poor and elderly Filipino Americans apply for housing assistance and helped set up a food distribution program.


“If you’re blessed, you’ve got to give something back to the community,” said Reyes, who came to the United States 24 years ago. “My mission is to make our community a better place to live by promoting volunteerism and caring for the poor and elderly in our community.”
