
BELLFLOWER : Law Lets City Sue Parents for Curfew Violations

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Parents of children who repeatedly violate Bellflower’s 10 p.m. curfew and other city laws can be sued for up to $2,500 under an ordinance adopted by the City Council.

The ordinance, which takes effect on Monday, is an effort to reduce late-night gang activity and targets the parents of habitual offenders, said Mike Egan, deputy city administrator. “The parents are held accountable for failing to control the child,” Egan said.

Although intended to curb curfew violations, the law will also be used against the parents of children who break other city laws, including those that deal with graffiti, alcohol and drug possession and other misdemeanors.


Although the city will have the authority to sue parents after the first violation, in most cases officials will not take legal action until a third offense, Egan said. Parents will receive a warning letter after the first citation. Municipal Court judges will determine the amount of damages parents must pay the city in each case.

Two of five City Council members opposed the measure when it was adopted earlier this month.
