
The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in...

Compiled by Ken Williams

The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in Santa Ana has received a grant of $112,500 in general operating support from the Institute of Museum Services, a federal agency that assists museums of all disciplines. One of 1,159 museums nationwide to apply for an IMS grant this year, the Bowers was one of 300 recipients.

The Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach has replaced two members of its development staff who resigned recently, and in doing so has restructured the development department somewhat. Debi Barker will fill a newly created position, assistant director of development, in which she will help coordinate individual giving, membership and grant proposals. Barker is now special events coordinator for the Foundation for Deep Ecology in San Francisco, which allots grants for ecological projects. Holly Jenks, previously in product development at W.J. Bradbury, a printing firm in Santa Ana, has been named development assistant, another new position. Jenks, who will implement fund-raising events, will begin work Sept. 19; Barker will start the following Monday.

In other news, the museum has been granted $5,000 from the Taco Bell Corporation for staff computer training.
