
REDONDO BEACH : Ballot Measure Urges Eased Concealed Weapons Permits

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Concern about violence in Southern California has prompted the Redondo Beach City Council to draft a ballot measure making it easier to obtain a permit to carry concealed weapons in Redondo Beach.

The vote will be only advisory. State law, which overrides local law, allows only a police chief to determine who gets a permit for a concealed weapon.

A group of residents asked for a change in the city’s charter that would allow anyone from Redondo Beach who wants to carry a concealed weapon to do so, with some exceptions. About 30 members of the National Rifle Assn. attended a council meeting this week to boost the measure.


The City Council voted to place a proposed amendment to the city’s charter on the March, 1995, ballot. Councilman Joseph Dawidziak said the vote will show politicians what people may do if they don’t feel safe in their neighborhoods.

Police Chief Melvin Nichols has issued six permits, all to people who live outside the city but work in Redondo Beach, Dawidziak said.
