
IRVINE : UCI May Eliminate Physical Education

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UC Irvine administrators have proposed closing the campus’ physical education department.

If the plan is approved by the Academic Senate in April, all physical education courses will be transferred to UCI’s campus recreation program. Starting next fall, sports classes would be offered for no credit and students would pay fees for some of the classes. Current courses offered through campus recreation, such as aerobics, have a variety of fees, but physical education classes are free.

About a year ago, a task force seeking to streamline the campus suggested eliminating the physical education department, but Chancellor Laurel L. Wilkening said no action should be taken without further study.

Under the proposal, students--including those who compete in intercollegiate athletics--would no longer earn .7 academic units per quarter for physical education. Similar department closures have occurred at other University of California campuses such as UCLA and UC San Diego, Schindele said.


Closing physical education departments “is a common occurrence across the country,” said Jill M. Schindele, director of campus recreation at UCI. “Especially where physical education isn’t (offered as) a major.”

Officials said faculty members will not lose positions if the department is closed.

Dan Lockhart, a martial arts instructor, said he is concerned about how the closure would affect students.

“It seems like the program, the way it is now, is what’s best for the students,” Lockhart said. “If we do have to charge students an extra fee, students are not as likely to take courses, and if we don’t grade them, they are less likely to show up.”
