
Block Scheduling

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I would like to express my concern over the March 13 article written about Hueneme High School block scheduling. I certainly object to the implication that our program is not doing well. We did have an accreditation visitation in 1988. At that time we received a full six-year accreditation. No mention was made of the block schedule in that report. Staff had been talking about possibly going on a block schedule, not in response to any accreditation recommendation about urging us “to improve the teaching program” but as an innovative approach which might help our students.

The article says that the “dropout rate has actually increased” and then stated that the dropout rate was 2.5% in 1989-90 and 2.7% in 1993-94. The figures are accurate but the dropout rate has remained consistently low. Schools will have fluctuations each year. The implication that something is wrong is unfair.

In terms of grades, we had 12.7% Fs during the last semester before restructuring. We had 11.7% Fs during the last quarter of last year. Under restructuring we have no remedial classes so our students are maintaining the grade distribution while taking harder courses as is evident in the increase of students who are taking the courses required for admittance to the University of California. We do have a concern about helping more students be successful and we will continue to address that problem. We have started a Ninth Grade Success Program, an Academic Enrichment Program and special tutoring to help students achieve, none of which were mentioned in the article.


Approximately two-thirds of our students qualify for assistance through specially funded programs. Students qualify for extra funding because they are migrant, limited-English or are performing below expectations for student success.

The article is correct in stating that we are looking at our program again. We have been on a block schedule for four years. It is time to do an evaluation and make any adjustments needed. The article indicated that I have asked the staff to “work together to come up with new ideas for improving the block schedule and, hopefully, boosting achievement.” I would expect my staff as professionals to always be looking at what is happening in the classes.

Your report seems to indicate that things aren’t working out so we are regrouping. We are, in fact, doing what we should be doing, constantly evaluating our program to make it the best program possible.




Joanne Black is principal at Hueneme High School.
