
Children Show Their Spirit


Los Angeles area school children are expected to collect more than a million aluminum cans in celebration of Earth Day for Project KIDsCAN, a project designed to increase student awareness of environmental concerns and help raise money for their schools.

On Thursday, participating students will throw all the cans collected in the final days of the project into a 20-foot can at the Burbank Recycle Center.

The project is sponsored by Technology for Results in Elementary Education, a nonprofit group devoted to integrating technology into classrooms. In addition, AT&T; is matching donations for money earned through the can collections.


Schools throughout Southern California, including at least eight in the San Fernando Valley, have taken the group’s challenge to collect as many cans as possible.

One especially enthusiastic school is Patrick Henry Middle School in Granada Hills, where students have been participating in events such as can pyramid building and a “Countdown to Disneyland,” through which the homeroom that collects the most cans will win a trip to Disneyland.
