
BASEBALL / DAILY REPORT : DODGERS : Rockies Didn’t Claim to Need Butler


The Colorado Rockies hardly will concede the National League West race to the Dodgers, but news of the Dodgers’ acquisition of veteran center fielder Brett Butler on Friday hit the Denver area like a summer snowstorm.

“That’s a good deal for them, a real good deal,” Manager Don Baylor said. “He’s a spiritual-type leader who will give them more experience.

“This is probably only a one-year [deal] for them, but if he can get on base in front of those guys, that’s quite a lineup.


“I’m pretty sure he will help them.”

Rocky General Manager Bob Gebhard, of course, could have blocked Butler from being traded to the Dodgers by putting a waiver claim on him. After all, the Dodgers were the only team interested in Butler. Yet Gebhard’s fear was that he would wind up with Butler if he claimed him.

“I always said if you claim somebody,” Gebhard said, “you better be ready to take that player. Where were we going to play Brett Butler?

“If they think that will help make them a better ballclub, that’s questionable, I suppose.

“Don’t get me wrong, Brett Butler is a fine player, but he would have been of no help to this team.”


It turns out that not every Dodger was ecstatic with the news of the Butler trade.

Rookie Chad Fonville was dropped from the leadoff spot to eighth in the lineup to accommodate Butler.

“I’m in shock,” said Fonville, who began the game batting .280. “What can I say? What can I do? I’m absolutely shocked.

“Maybe I’ll talk about it later, but not now.”


Fred Claire, executive vice president, and counsel Sam Fernandez presented their protest of the Aug. 10 forfeit to National League President Len Coleman and were pleased with the one-hour hearing.


“I think it went well,” Claire said. “I’m happy we had the opportunity and could do it face to face.”

Coleman is expected to rule against the Dodgers, according to sources, and allow the forfeit to stand. He probably will announce his decision Monday or Tuesday.


The Major League Players Assn. had a conference call with all of their player representatives Friday afternoon, and although no agreement is in sight, the players and owners will pledge that the playoffs and World Series will be played without interruption.

Baseball is expected to make an official announcement early next week, according to one player representative.


If not for rookie center fielder Todd Hollandsworth’s broken thumb, Claire conceded that he would not have made a trade for Butler.

Now, even when Hollandsworth returns in late September, he realizes he’ll be only a part-time player for the remainder of the season.


“Here we are in the middle of a pennant race, and I’m in a cast,” said Hollandsworth, who broke his thumb Aug. 9. “The need was there. This is going to help us be a championship team.

“The organization said all along that we were going to be a contender, and it shows they’re committed to winning.

“I’m all for it.”
