
Clinton California Tour to Include Santa Ana Stop : Politics: The President on Friday will take part in an event involving at-risk youths and law enforcement, in hopes of putting the spotlight on his efforts to combat urban problems, officials say.

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President Clinton is scheduled to visit Santa Ana on Friday as part of a three-day tour of major California cities.

The President is tentatively scheduled to take part in a “law-enforcement and teen-at-risk event” that will highlight his efforts to attack urban problems, including his Administration’s program to place 100,000 additional officers on the streets of the nation’s cities, several sources said.

While the precise location for the stop has not been announced, city officials and others active in Democratic politics in the county were told Friday that the plan to visit Santa Ana is certain.


“We got confirmation that it is official and are very pleased he is visiting our city,” said Santa Ana Mayor Miguel A. Pulido Jr. City officials were sending the White House information about programs that highlight youth and crime prevention, he said.

Advance personnel from the White House are expected Sunday or Monday to visit possible sites where Clinton will meet and talk with youths. Part of Friday’s event may be taped for incorporation into his weekly Saturday radio program, sources said.

White House officials have talked with former state Assemblyman Tom Umberg, who is helping arrange the visit to Orange County. It is part of a five-day trip that will begin in Philadelphia on Monday and include stops in Jacksonville, Fla., Miami, Denver and several California cities.


Clinton will speak in San Francisco on Wednesday night and appear at two fund-raisers in Los Angeles on Thursday, then arrive in Orange County on Friday. He may also make a stop in San Diego, officials said.

For the Orange County visit, White House officials had considered a stop at Leisure World in Laguna Hills as a setting for a statement by Clinton critical of the Republican approach to overhauling Medicare.

The planning now, however, is for Clinton to go to Santa Ana to promote his anti-crime and youth-at-risk programs, a police official said. The Santa Ana Police Department is among those that benefited this year from the federal Cops-More Program, which placed 15 additional officers on Santa Ana streets. The department now has 354 sworn officers.


One possible venue for the President’s visit is the Boys’ and Girls’ Club there, several sources said.

The Taco Bell foundation and the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of America are about to announce a major partnership and initiative in the nation’s cities to fight youth crime and help teens at risk through educational, recreational and vocational opportunities, according to Chris Townsend, a national official of Irvine-based Taco Bell.

The White House may use that as part of its presentation on Friday as a way to underscore the President’s concern about fighting youth violence and youth crime, he said.

Times staff writer Paul Richter contributed to this report.
