
Amtrak Train Derailed

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* Re “Grudge Studied as Motive for Derailing Train,” Oct. 11:

Outrage is a word to be used by a President in a public statement relating to any happening only when the facts surrounding the occurrence have been reasonably identified. Until those facts are fairly well understood the office of a President should not be used to fan emotions that can very readily have consequences impossible to predict in advance.

Certainly the train wreck in Arizona, with its injuries and loss of life, should be of vital and immediate concern to all rational persons. A statement by the President consistent with this reaction is certainly in order and can properly be accompanied by directions to government officials and agencies to investigate and prosecute the responsible parties.

Expressions of outrage do nothing to assist in the investigation and ultimate prosecution, if it takes place, but rather lessen the respect sorely needed by our law enforcement agencies and personnel.


The President should act to focus feelings of revulsion on the part of the public to events such as we had in Arizona without regard to motivation. His personal outrage does none of this.


Palm Desert

* Re the Amtrak derailment: This event flooded me with anger and sadness. If this act was committed by the “Sons of Gestapo,” as an anti-government maneuver, my response is--you have the choice to move and live in another country if you don’t like our government. This does not give you the right to kill/harm innocent people.

Swift punishment, short court trial, no appeal and being put in prison for life should remind these sort of people that they did have a choice and now they don’t.



San Diego

* Why, oh why, would you publish a diagram illustrating how to bypass the electronic warning system used on virtually all railroad systems in the U.S.? Please, some responsibility and common sense.


