
SIMI VALLEY : 10th Teenage Girl Accuses Man of Rape

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A 10th teenager has come forward with allegations that she was raped and sexually assaulted by a Simi Valley man, prosecutors said Monday.

The new charges add five felony counts to the 43 already facing Victor M. Becerra, who allegedly lured girls between the ages of 12 and 15 to his rented home, plied them with cheap wine and marijuana and then raped or molested them.

A preliminary hearing on the five new counts is scheduled for Monday.

Investigators said Becerra, 27, spent the summer claiming to be 19 and befriending the girls at teenage haunts throughout the city. The girls, many of whom have drug and alcohol problems, were impressed by his car and his store of liquor and drugs and were easily coaxed into going to Becerra’s house, investigators said.


Authorities arrested the factory worker Oct. 26 after one of the girls reported being raped. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges and remains jailed in lieu of $250,000 bail.
