
Keep Flood Control Plan in Perspective


The emergency flood control project on San Antonio Creek needs to be kept in perspective and not clouded by the coordinated dissemination of misinformation by alleged environmentalists.

The floods of January and March destroyed one home and damaged many others. Fortunately, no lives were lost. But the present condition of the creek is dangerous, and even a five-year flood could destroy homes. It’s time to act now so that no one is killed.

Highway 33 between Old Creek Road and Creek Road is also at risk. The floods have caused damage to the hillside which supports the road. The recent asphalt put on this section was a “Band-Aid” for a potentially serious problem. Any future flooding under the current conditions could result in major damage to the highway. This would have a serious impact on people living in the Ojai Valley. The emergency project will solve this problem.


Representatives of Friends of the River must have been out of state earlier this year when the president declared our area a federal disaster. My neighbor’s home was destroyed and she was left homeless. The Red Cross offered us shelter. My family had to be evacuated through a window. I carried my 5-year-old son through a waist-deep torrent of water. I never again want to see the fear he expressed.

We have an emergency and need to act now to save homes and lives.

David Ross

Robyn Duke Ross

Oak View
