
Bicycles Should Be Registered Too


I read with amusement the letter by Mike Mott, chairman of the Orange County Bicycle Coalition, trying to justify the fact that bicycles should not be registered and licensed (Dec. 17). He really does seem to believe that bicycles are a viable means of transportation.

On a warm, sunny, clear weekend, we do see quite a few of these big kids on their toys playing on the roads. But where are they on the cold, foggy, early-morning workaday commute? At times like this, most drivers really could use another lane open to help relieve the congestion, rather than look at an empty, unused bike lane.

If these bicyclists are really interested in solving the traffic congestion, then they would ride every day, whatever the weather or distance!


Just because these vehicles use a smaller portion of roadway does not mean that they should not help pay for these facilities. That line of reasoning makes as much sense as not licensing a Porsche, because it is much smaller and lighter than a large Cadillac, or Chevy Suburban!

The bicycle trails that are built separate from the roadway must be paid for and maintained, and even though they are cheaper they are not free. As these are exclusively dedicated to bicycle use, it just makes sense for the actual users to pay to use them!

Most drivers are not angry at bicyclists, but probably just object to these cheapskates who do not want to pay their own way, and sponge off of others for their hobby!


Lake Forest
