
‘Greatest Spectacle’ May Be a Great Sham

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If Shav Glick [Dec. 22] would peruse the press releases issued by the Indy Racing League, he would be calling this a third-rate racing series at best. A current release by the IRL indicated that 41 cars were entered for the inaugural IRL race, but I counted only 14 drivers for that event, many of whom I have never heard of and, of those 14, many were the foreign drivers who Tony George lamented were “taking over an American sport.”

I hope, that despite what Mr. Glick may say, that the L.A. Times will be sending him to the U.S. 500 instead of the IRL 500 come Memorial Day weekend so that he may report on a real race instead of a sham race using second-hand cars with second-hand drivers.


El Monte
