
COLLEGE FOOTBALL / DAILY REPORT : Neuheisel Enjoying His Surroundings

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Rick Neuheisel, Colorado coach, was caught in a hotel elevator with a large group of high school cheerleaders on his way to a Cotton Bowl news conference the other day.

What did he learn on the trip down?

“Two bits, four bits, six bits a dollar, all for sixty two different high schools stand up and holler,” he said.


Roger Staubach and Tom Landry, two of the most famous Dallas Cowboys, visited old buddy Charlie Waters, now an assistant at Oregon, at a recent practice.


“Roger threw some balls around,” Waters said. “I really think, he thinks that he can still play, which is typical of Roger.”

Did his Ducks recognize the former NFL great?

“I don’t think those kids knew who Roger was except for him being on Sega Genesis game,” he said.
