
Return to Traditional Swallows Day Asked


The city’s Cultural Heritage Commission is drafting a letter to the pastor of the Mission San Juan Capistrano parish, Msgr. Paul Martin, asking that he seriously consider a return to the age-old tradition of holding Swallows Day festivities solely on March 19 next year.

“We realize it’s too late for the mission to change its plans this year,” said Don Tryon, a member of the commission.

“We’re just asking that they consider our request to return to the old ways in the future.”


For nearly 50 years, Swallows Day festivities have fallen on St. Joseph’s Day, March 19, Tryon said.

This year, the main celebration will take place early, on Saturday, March 16, with a traditional observance being held on March 19.

The change was made to accommodate families who are unable to attend the usual midweek festivities, mission officials say.

On Tuesday, the City Council gave the commission the go-ahead to proceed with the letter.
