
CMH Actions Should Be Questioned


Why should Community Memorial Hospital care about the county building a new clinic? The people that use the county clinics can’t go to Community anyway. Working people without insurance, the poor and disabled have never been welcome at Community Memorial Hospital. Thank goodness that our county hospital has always been there for those that Community turns away.

Ask yourself why Community is trying so hard to keep the county from getting the state grant that will let them put all their clinics into one, taxpayer-owned building. It’s not to save the taxpayers’ money. Their lawsuits and initiatives have cost the taxpayers plenty.

I think it’s because they would like to have the county hospital close down. Then the county would have to pay them for the care that the state says the county has to provide to the poor. They want our tax dollars for themselves.





Re: Your article Feb. 14 detailing Community Memorial Hospital’s successful browbeating of the Board of Supervisors.

How can Community Memorial threaten the Board of Supervisors with personal lawsuits for trying to inform the voting public of items on the March ballot?

Meaxure X will affect the taxpayers of Ventura County for years to come. Why is it that CMH seems determined to make sure that all the public knows about Measure X is their self-serving half (or less) truths?


