
A Drink at Bob’s: Make It a Triple


Milly, Elena and Eadie Del Rubio left home at 17, they say, to escape overbearing parents. That was almost half a century ago.

Since then, the three women have stayed devoted to doing their own thing. The Del Rubio Triplets, who never married and have always lived together, have made a career of playing acoustic guitar, singing in reedy voices and chatting among themselves in front of kitsch-loving crowds.

Last week, the triplets dropped into Latin Bob’s Cabaret at Habana Restaurant in Costa Mesa and were embraced by the youngish crowd. Wearing low-cut leotards, sequined miniskirts and white go-go boots, they delivered unusual renditions of Devo’s “Whip It,” the Rolling Stones’ “Under My Thumb” and Don Ho-type Hawaiian love songs.


It was just offbeat enough to launch Latin Bob’s Cabaret, a Thursday night addition to the Cuban-theme restaurant.

Producer Simon Jones says he was pleased with the premiere.

“I was looking to create a supper-club situation with an act that could bridge the gap between the dinner and the drinking crowd. We want to have entertainment that is bearable to hear while you’re eating but will also bring you in to drink.”

Jones says he’s on the lookout for other groups that fit his idea of easygoing, cocktail-sipping entertainment.
