
It’s Best Not to Discuss Politics and NFL


After reading letters by Mike Hernandez, Patrick T. Lynch and your readers, I have to wonder if they have ever had to sit in the Coliseum and watch a football game. I’ve been there many times, as well as Dodger Stadium, and the difference in the two is astounding. Dodger Stadium is a wonderful place to spend time. The Coliseum (as well as the Sports Arena) is a dump and an embarrassment to our city. They should be blown up and rebuilt.

After watching all the bureaucrats go spend money to steal a team from another city or spin their wheels trying to get a new team via expansion, I am planning on backing anyone advocating term limits for local politicians in the next elections.


Silver Lake


Let’s forget about term limits and simply have an IQ test for City Council membership. Clearly, anything above 80 will keep Mike Hernandez at home and out of trouble, sparing the rest of us the Keystone Kops scenario of his voting to spend city money to help the Coliseum lure an NFL team, while supporting federal legislation to prohibit it.


His letter to Viewpoint, through its use of the royal “we” to describe his opinions, makes it obvious that his opposition is based on no more than a politician’s power trip. He clearly doesn’t care about what is best for the city as a whole, or even the First District; he simply wants everyone to have to deal with him. It’s a shame his ego is so much bigger than his brain.


La Canada
