
Rubino Gets Support, Funds From Friends

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About 150 friends and associates of Ronald S. Rubino attended a barbecue Sunday to raise money and show support for the former county budget director indicted for allegedly aiding and abetting in the misappropriation of funds from Orange County’s investment pool.

“We wanted to show Ron how much we support him,” said Priscilla Selman, a longtime family friend who organized the emotional invitation-only gathering at a private home in the exclusive Ritz Cove area of Dana Point.

“We really feel that he is innocent of the charges,” she said. “Ron got a rotten deal. There but for the grace of God go any of us.”


Rubino, 44, was indicted Dec. 12 and is expected to stand trial in August for allegedly abetting former Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L. Citron in the misallocation of funds that led to the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.

Although Orange County supervisors have allotted $300,000 for his defense, costs are expected to rise as high as $1 million.

“It’s a terrible financial burden,” said Selman, adding that Sunday’s event was expected to raise about $20,000 to help defray those costs.


Personally catered by Rubino’s friends and family members, the barbecue--dubbed “That’s What Friends Are For”--featured chicken, New York tip steak, salad, hot dogs, corn on the cob and salad, all served on paper plates to the accompaniment of live music from a grand piano.

“This is the most unfair, unjust thing I’ve ever seen,” former County Chief Administrative Officer Ernie Schneider said of Rubino’s indictment. “This gathering shows the kind of character and support he has. I found his treatment disgusting.”

David Sanford, who described himself as a personal friend, agreed.

“I think it’s kind of ridiculous that he’s being charged,” Sanford said. “The whole thing is blown out of proportion. Some people made mistakes, but Ron just did his job for 20 years.”


Rubino, his voice choking at times, spent most of the evening hobnobbing with old friends and former associates.

“The trial is scheduled to start Aug. 5, and this is a morale builder,” he said. “These people are wonderful. It’s very heartwarming. Knowing that I have the support of my friends gives me the strength to get through this.”
