
Jeffrey Maier


Regarding Jeffrey Maier, the boy who interfered with a fly ball that a Baltimore outfielder was about to catch (Oct. 11), it is disturbing to me that he is being treated like a hero by seemingly everyone.

What he did was violate a condition of his ticket not to interfere with a ball in play, an act that usually gets a fan ejected from the ballpark. Granted, at the time he didn’t realize that he had done that. But he still was technically trespassing.

I’m not saying the boy should be punished. He didn’t know he was doing anything wrong. But he certainly shouldn’t be treated like a hero. I think it’s disgusting that he is appearing on talk shows on national TV as a hero. I don’t blame him; I blame the media.


The media, with their mob mentality, are quick to crucify some people without knowing all the facts, and now are making a hero out of this kid. Is it any wonder that our young people are getting a mixed message about values?



Baseball, the great American saga: the story of how a child won Game 1 for the Yankees.

