
Clerk Candidate Stitch Leads in Fund-Raising

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Stuart Stitch, who is vying for the city clerk job Nov. 5, is leading opponent Audrey Culver in fund-raising and also has spent and raised more than any City Council candidate, according to financial statements.

Stitch, who is his own main source of funding, reports lending himself $44,100 and spending $43,863.14, mostly on campaign literature. He has contributed about $9,750 to three City Council candidates, giving equal amounts to W. Snow Hume, Bruce Whitaker and Barbara J. Marr.

Stitch also reports having lent $118,580.02 to his Friends of Stuart Stitch committee, which he created when he ran unsuccessfully for City Council two years ago. That money cannot be used on his bid for city clerk, officials said.


Culver reports raising $8,887.98 and spending $6,152.92, mostly on signs and campaign literature.

Contributors to her campaign include retired residents, a former mayor and lawyers.

Among City Council candidates, incumbent Julie Sa has raised the most money, $32,994.76.

She reports receiving contributions from several Cerritos-based businesses and residents, an Alhambra investment firm, a Bellevue apartment complex and a martial arts center in Fullerton.

The Fullerton Police Officers Assn. Political Action Committee reports contributing $500 each to council candidates Brent Hardwick and Bob McNutt.


The Fire Assn. Political Action Committee contributed $1,000 each to Hardwick, McNutt and council candidate F. Richard Jones, and $400 to Culver.
