
Public Transit Link to Dodger Stadium


* As a longtime Dodger season-ticket holder and the immediate past chairwoman of Southern California’s MetroLink commuter rail Board of Directors, I couldn’t agree more with William Fulton’s “Connect the Stadium to the City” (Opinion, Jan. 26). I, too, would like to see baseball--as well as other sports and entertainment activities--become part of a positive urban experience in Los Angeles. And I believe MetroLink’s mission of providing reasonable and accessible transit can play an important role in doing so. After all, it’s less than a 10-minute bus ride from our Union Station stop to Dodger Stadium and about the same distance, via MTA’s electric rail system, to the Convention Center site proposed for a new Lakers and Kings venue.

MetroLink officials have discussed creating a “Dodger train” with the Dodger organization for almost four years. Although Dodger game schedules and MetroLink schedules rarely coincide, we’d like to test the idea on a particular MetroLink route or service. Every entity involved, public and private, should focus on the “missing link” issue of providing a transportation connection between Union Station and the stadium.


MetroLink Board Member

Laguna Beach
