
It’s a Brand New Spring, but Same Old Canseco

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Associated Press

In keeping with his tradition, Jose Canseco will report to spring training after the rest of his Oakland Athletics teammates.

Canseco has told the A’s he’ll report to spring training on Friday and participate in his first workout on Saturday. The entire squad will have its first workout Thursday, though the mandatory reporting date for players is not until the end of this month.

“He said that he may have some sort of charity golf tournament,” General Manager Sandy Alderson said. “I would have been surprised if he had been here on the 20th. That’s just not his style.”



David Wells’ first year with the New York Yankees keeps getting worse.

First, left-handed pitcher broke his left hand in a bar fight. Now, what originally was thought to be turf toe may be gout.

Wells had a medical exam Monday that included a blood test.

“They’re trying to rule out things,” Manager Joe Torre said. “That’s why they took blood.”

Gout is ailment marked by painful inflammation of the joints. It is treatable by medication.
