
Drug Court Gets $365,000 Grant for San Fernando Valley Expansion


The Los Angeles Municipal Court was awarded $365,000 Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Justice, money that will enable court officials to expand the successful Drug Court program to the San Fernando Valley.

The $365,000 grant was among $16 million awarded to programs in 125 cities.

Drug courts sentence addicts to treatment programs instead of time behind bars. Such courts have been multiplying across the nation, fueled by enthusiasm from the Clinton administration.

Genuinely enthusiastic Tuesday was Mel Red Recana, presiding judge of the Municipal Court. As confirmation of the grant came through via fax from Washington, Recana said: “I’m ecstatic. I really am.”


The Valley court ought to open in a few months, said Richard D. Johnson, a deputy court administrator. Commissioner Mitchell Block will preside. He could not be reached Tuesday for comment.

Plans call for the Valley court to follow the same guidelines as the nearly 3-year-old program in downtown Los Angeles. The downtown court is widely considered one of the leading programs in the nation.

Treatment is based on the 12-step program pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. To take part, participants must pay $200. They meet daily and take frequent urine tests.

Those with violent felony convictions are not allowed into the program, nor are those with felony convictions for drug sales or trafficking.

Initially, Johnson said, plans are for the court to serve offenders from the Van Nuys and San Fernando branch courts. In a six-month period, Johnson said, estimates are that perhaps 1,000 people would be eligible for the program.

Recana, however, said he hoped the court could become more of a regional center--serving offenders from areas such as Burbank and Newhall as well. “We’re going to sit down and see how we can stretch this money and make it a real regional Drug Court,” he said.


Other grants awarded included $330,000 to San Diego County, $300,000 to San Bernardino County and $295,000 to Kern County.
