
Sacramento Bee Photographer Is Severely Beaten

<i> Associated Press</i>

A newspaper photographer who returned safely from such flash points as Panama, Haiti and Somalia was in serious condition Tuesday after being savagely beaten while taking pictures for a springtime feature here.

John Trotter, 36, a photographer for the Sacramento Bee, had been photographing children frolicking in record high temperatures Monday when a group of eight to 12 men demanded his film and began beating him.

“It looks like he wandered into a drug neighborhood, and for whatever reason, those people involved in that sort of activity didn’t want him being there,” said Sacramento police spokeswoman Pam Alejandre.


Trotter suffered serious head injuries and was hospitalized at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.

No arrests have been made.

Trotter apparently remembers little of the attack and may be of little help in identifying his assailants, the Bee reported Monday.
