
Newhall Ranch Plan


Re “SCOPE Takes On Newhall Ranch in Its Biggest Battle,” April 14.

Thanks for doing a feature on Santa Clarita Organization for Planning the Environment (SCOPE). There are just two quick points we believe were not properly covered by the article. The first is that litigation for us is always a very regrettable last resort. It is only undertaken after many hours of negotiation, public testimony and written comments have failed to persuade a public agency and / or developer to follow the law. It is also used only when the project approval will result in potentially far-reaching problems, such as inadequate schools, libraries or fire and sheriff’s services, dangerous traffic situations or loss of important natural areas. Litigation is time-consuming, extremely expensive, very stressful and not a tactic we choose lightly.

The second point we were sad to see not discussed was our considerable effort in the area of public education and the promotion of public participation in planning issues. We organize at least one public workshop a year and invite many speakers to our meetings to discuss important planning issues. We spend a formidable amount of time encouraging public participation by explaining to students, residents, neighbors, members and anyone else who wants to know, how to comment at public hearings, where notices are posted and what laws are available to them to help them preserve and promote the quality of life they want for their community.

People today feel disenfranchised. They think they cannot make a difference. We believe public participation and an understanding of local government process is imperative to the proper working of our community. Our activities in this area are probably by far the most important aspect of our work.



First Vice President, SCOPE

