
Senate Rejects Cluff for Air Quality Board

<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

Senate Democrats voted final rejection Thursday of Gov. Pete Wilson’s appointment of Cody G. Cluff to the board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

Cluff, an entertainment industry promoter who has served on the board since Dec. 12, was denied confirmation by the Democratic-dominated body when he mustered only 14 votes, seven short of approval.

On Tuesday, the Senate Rules Committee refused on a 3-2 vote to approve Cluff, a Republican who favors ousting the district’s executive officer, James Lents, and his top managers.


Senate leader Bill Lockyer (D-Hayward) said denial of confirmation by the full Senate will hasten Cluff’s departure. If the committee’s action had been allowed to stand, Cluff could have continued to serve until Dec. 12, Lockyer said. He said Cluff now must leave by Aug. 12.
