
Milken Rumors Unfounded, Says Fox


Forgot those Michael Milken rumors.

In a press release issued Monday, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Group shot down speculation that Milken, a Los Angeles businessman and a convicted felon, would have a key role in the Dodgers if Murdoch’s attempt to buy the team from Peter O’Malley is successful.

The statement by the Fox Group reiterates Murdoch’s desire to keep the current executive staff of the Dodgers in place.

Part of the Milken scenario, based on a story in the Bloomberg Business News, was that former Dodger manager Tommy Lasorda would take over the general manager’s post from executive vice-president Fred Claire at Lasorda’s urging.


“I never, ever said a word to Michael Milken about it,” Lasorda said. “Never, ever. Why would I ask him? I was his friend, but I never thought of him being in that position.”

Lasorda, a Dodger vice-president, has maintained in the past he would never attempt to undermine Claire.

The press release, unusual in the regard that it was speaking for an organization it does not yet control, states: “The Bloomberg story is incorrect. While Mr. Milken and Rupert Murdoch are friends, Mr. Milken is not involved in the ongoing negotiations between the Fox Group and the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Fox Group has neither had discussions with, nor is considering Mr. Milken for an executive position with the Dodgers.

“As we have stated many times in the past, the Fox Group--should a successful sales process be completed--fully supports the current executives and management of the Los Angeles Dodgers and would welcome their experience to the Fox family.”

Claire had no comment on the release.


Right-hander Ramon Martinez, out since mid-June because of a small tear in the rotator cuff in his throwing shoulder, will make his next--and possibly last--rehabilitation start Thursday for the San Bernardino Stampede in a Class-A game against the JetHawks in Lancaster.

If Martinez, who has already made four pain-free rehabilitation starts, can throw 75 to 80 pitches without pain or difficulty, the Dodgers plan on returning him to the starting rotation the following week.



Both outfielder Todd Hollandsworth (fractured bone near the right elbow) and second baseman Tripp Cromer (sprained right elbow) swung the bat for the first time in a drill.



DODGERS’ HIDEO NOMO (11-8, 4.04 ERA) vs. CUBS’ MARK CLARK (8-7, 4.25 ERA)

Dodger Stadium, 7 p.m.

TV--Fox Sports West 2. Radio--KABC (790), KWKW (1330).

* Update--Thursday, Clark was a New York Met; Friday, he learned he had been traded to the Cubs; and Saturday, he found out he was starting for his new team at Dodger Stadium tonight. Clark, who was part of a six-player deal, is thrilled to be going back to Chicago since it is only three hours from his hometown of Bath, Ill. Clark was with the St. Louis Cardinals and Cleveland Indians before joining the Mets. Asked how he liked the thought of pitching at Wrigley Field on a regular basis, Clark said, “I just hope I’m pitching on the days the wind is blowing in.”
