
4 Elementary Schools Get All-Year Schedule


The Tustin Unified School District, in an effort to relieve overcrowding and make room for class-size reductions, has approved year-round schedules at four elementary schools.

The district’s board of trustees recently approved the plan to put students at Benjamin Beswick, Robert Heideman, C. C. Lambert and Jeane Thorman schools on year-round schedules beginning in June. Students will attend school for three months, followed by a one-month break.

“It’s a space issue, and our primary motivation was to keep children at their neighborhood schools rather than having to bus them all over the district,” said Regina Cain, a district administrator who helped draft the plan.


Cain added that while many children may lament the loss of a traditional three-month summer, new evidence suggests that learning may improve with year-round schools.

“The main reason is that children experience more continuous instruction,” she said.
