
Woman Dies in Crash at Mission Viejo Intersection


A woman in her 70s was killed Friday after her husband drove in front of an oncoming pickup truck, the Sheriff’s Department reported.

Louis Bender, 78, was driving west on Oso Parkway at about 11:45 a.m. when he turned left against a red arrow to Felipe Road, said Sheriff’s Lt. Lynn Nehring. An eastbound pickup slammed into the passenger side of Bender’s car, sending it spinning into a sheriff’s patrol car stopped at the light on Felipe, Nehring said.

Bender’s wife, Marian, sustained head and chest injuries, Nehring said. She was dead on arrival at Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center. Her husband was being treated there for chest pains, Nehring said. The truck driver and the deputy were unhurt, he said.


Marian Bender’s age and the couple’s city of residence were unavailable Friday night.
