
Schuller Doing Well After Heart Attack

<i> From a Times Staff Writer</i>

The Rev. Robert H. Schuller was reported in high spirits at UC Irvine Medical Center on Sunday, basking in concern from at least 800 well-wishers after a minor heart attack and a procedure to clear a blocked artery.

Calls from around the United States flooded the hospital and Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove after the 71-year-old underwent an angioplasty Saturday, said church spokesman Michael Nason.

Schuller, who remained in the intensive care unit, “slept very well during the night” and was visiting with family Sunday, Nason said. Doctors planned to send him home Tuesday.


“Dr. Schuller’s vital statistics are very strong and he shows every sign of a complete recovery,” Dr. Thomas Cesario, Schuller’s physician and dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine, said in a statement. “Schuller is in excellent spirits.”

It was uncertain if Schuller will be able to preach his traditional seven sermons on Christmas Eve.
