
Advance Clown Is One-Man Circus


Dressed in baggy plaid knickers with suspenders, oversized shoes that looked like big boxing gloves and a bright red bubble-like nose, Michael O’Neill clowned around this week and gave children at Anaheim Central Library a preview of the circus.

He stood on his head, performed magic acts, read a story about Harriett the elephant going to the circus and juggled balls, clubs, sticks and scarves to the oohs and ahs of more than 100 children and parents.

“I’m spreading goodwill and getting people excited about the show,” O’Neill said.

O’Neill is the goodwill ambassador clown for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, appearing at the Pond from July 29 through Aug. 5. He travels ahead of the circus, performing at libraries, schools, hospitals, charitable organizations and Sears stores.


“He was great with the kids,” said Elizabeth Cramer of Santa Clarita, who brought her four children to the library’s story hour. Having a clown pay a special visit, she said, “was a great bonus.”

For the children, it was a chance to get a close look at a circus clown.

“I like his funny nose and his polka dot cheeks,” said Lisa Young, 6, of Anaheim, who tried juggling O’Neill’s scarves. Most landed on the floor or her head. This was not her career path, she said.

“I want to be a scientist who studies the asteroid belt.”
