
Streets to Be Renamed to Honor Peltason

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Portions of Berkeley Road and California Avenue at UC Irvine soon will be renamed in honor of Jack Peltason, former university chancellor and retired president of the University of California system.

Berkeley Road from Campus Drive to Bison Avenue will be renamed East Peltason Drive, and California Avenue from Bison Avenue to Bridge Road becomes West Peltason Drive. Bridge Road from California Avenue to Campus Drive also will be part of West Peltason.

In addition, Physical Sciences Road will be renamed Bison Avenue.

Peltason, one of UCI’s founders, helped assemble the original faculty while serving from 1964-67 as the first vice chancellor for academic affairs.


Peltason returned as UCI’s second chancellor from 1984 to 1992, when he left to become University of California president. He retired in 1995 and lives on campus.

“He is a revered former chancellor and UC president emeritus who, along with his wife, Suzanne, brought UCI to maturity,” said Laurel L. Wilkening, current UCI chancellor. “I am glad we are able to honor their legacy by putting the Peltason name where it will be recognized for generations to come.”

Revised campus maps, printed this summer, reflect the road name changes. New street signs should be up in September, officials said.
