
Councilwoman Perry to Head League


City Councilwoman Bev Perry has been elected president of the Orange County Division of the League of California Cities for 1997-98.

Perry was sworn in as president of the division at the League of California Cities annual conference in San Francisco last month.

Perry said that during her term, she will be a voice for Orange County cities, serving as spokeswoman, strategist and media liaison.


“My focus for the year will be on helping Orange County cities to continue to work together, as our strength lies in unity,” Perry said.

Perry, a consultant in a public-affairs company, has been a member of the Brea City Council since 1992 and served as mayor in 1994-95.

Active in civic and government affairs, Perry also serves on the Southern California Assn. of Governments, the state level Mayors and Council Members Department and the Investing in Our Youth task force.

The League of California Cities is a nonprofit association designed to promote the collective interests of its member cities.
