
Stockholders Pay Edison’s Tab


Recently published letters regarding the naming of Edison International Field of Anaheim indicate that some readers are not understanding the important difference between “shareholder” and “ratepayer” funds.

The stadium naming rights are being purchased by shareholder or “stockholder” dollars. That’s money from investors who buy shares of Edison International stock. These dollars can be used to market the company, its products and services, and support activities that enhance shareholder value.

Conversely, ratepayer funds are collected from utility customers through bill payments. The use of these funds is regulated and highly restrictive.


Not one penny of ratepayer dollars was used or can be used to finance marketing efforts, such as the stadium renaming. Nor does or will our participation in this effort have any impact on utility rates.


Vice President

Edison International


* The Oct. 12 Times provided a lesson in just how badly misplaced our priorities have become.

In the Sports section we read about a man being paid $128 million to toss a ball into a round hoop, while another wants millions to push a flat disc into a net.

Then in the Metro section, the Irvine mayor proposes a sports complex to provide playing space for a spoiled, overpaid group whose idea of community responsibility is often chronicled under a jurisprudence headline.

Now turn to the front page and read about a young teacher who has helped turn around the lives of 150 students in a Long Beach high school. The kicker in this story is that Erin Gruwell works two part-time jobs, supplementing her teacher’s pay, to make this happen.

I suggest a foundation to assist Gruwell in preparing others to do as she has done. Her 150 productive teens, multiplied many times over, mean fewer crimes being committed, fewer prison cells occupied and fewer people on welfare. It also means safer streets and smaller tax checks.


How do we finance all of this? For every professional sporting event on your calendar for the next six months write a check of $50 for each person attending. Then, on the date of the event, stay home, invite your neighbors to a block party and celebrate the fact that people like Gruwell are proving that one person can make a difference.

All that money will need someone to ride herd on it. I nominate Polly Stanbridge and John Tu. They have already proven their worth.


Yorba Linda
