
The Spirit Is Willing . . . to Take It to Court


Tony Perry’s profile of new-age merchandiser Deepak Chopra illustrates a problem more troublesome than our puerile penchant for recycled Hinduism (Nirvana Inc., Sept. 7). Wealthy bullies are increasingly using our legal system to intimidate their critics and ultimately choke off the flow of information. Because defending against even the most absurd lawsuit is so expensive, few can afford to offend a rich individual or large corporation.

Our civil courts and laws should be reformed to prevent further abuse. And we’d be wise to discourage Chopra from continuing his litigious intimidation of physicians, scientists and journalists. Even occasional excesses of free speech are preferable to repression, ignorance and frightened silence.

Lawrence Barnes



I am dismayed to see Chopra profiting by selling spiritual ideas. Those who accept him as a guru should instead question his authenticity as a spiritual teacher.


Why doesn’t he follow the examples of the masters of different religious traditions and practice humility and modesty--the hallmarks of great spiritual leaders? Why doesn’t he live on Skid Row and help care for the destitute, instead of wearing Donna Karan suits, living in La Jolla and fraternizing with the rich and famous?

Alberto Gutierrez-Lajmanovich



Chopra says that mainstream America is being influenced by some of his ideas. “If you are a very staunch right-wing conservative fundamentalist,” he says, “then I’m a threat to the culture.”

Wishful thinking from a guy mainstream America has never even heard of.

Steven Foster

West Los Angeles


Want wisdom, happiness, peace and answers to this life we live? The answers are not found in Chopra’s new-age books but in the best-selling book of all time: the Bible. Chopra should check it out; then he would be enlightened.

Deena Kaylee

Santa Ana


The adage “Cherchez la femme” is no longer valid. I have coined a new one: “Cherchez l’argent” (follow the money trail).

Aloysius Michael

Professor of Biomedical Ethics

Mount St. Mary’s College

Los Angeles


Having watched some of Chopra’s lectures on PBS and having read about his latest project--”an explanation of the afterlife by reference to quantum mechanics and different kinds of electromagnetic vibrations”--I can only repeat what the skycap at the Chicago airport said to him: Deep stuff, man!

Robert S. Lee

Rancho Palos Verdes


Did I miss something? Chopra talks spirituality and makes a fortune, but what does he do to help poor people?


After Mother Teresa, some of these millionaires are disgusting.

Rita Crafts

Santa Monica
