
Hilliard Worse Than Feared

Associated Press

The neck injury that rookie receiver Ike Hilliard sustained in the New York Giants’ loss to Jacksonville is a lot worse than originally thought and will sideline him for at least six weeks, Coach Jim Fassel said Monday in East Rutherford, N.J.

Fassel made the announcement before getting results of a second MRI test that he hoped would not be bleaker.

Hilliard hurt a ligament between his sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae when he was kneed by Jaguar safety Chris Hudson after making a sliding catch in the first quarter.



Carolina Panther linebacker Lamar Lathon will be sidelined at least one week after knee surgery. Lathon had bone chips removed from his right knee after complaining of soreness and mobility problems in Sunday’s victory over Atlanta.


The San Francisco 49ers took a cautious approach to the playing status of concussion-prone quarterback Steve Young, saying he may get another week off.

“That certainly will be something that we will talk about to the doctors,” Coach Steve Mariucci said.

Mariucci said more will be known about Young’s status today.


Atlanta Falcon quarterback Chris Chandler, who suffered a concussion in Sunday’s 9-6 loss to the Panthers, said he’ll play in next week’s game against the Oakland Raiders. . . . Chicago Bear running back Rashaan Salaam, who lost two fumbles in Sunday’s loss to the Minnesota Vikings, won’t play as much next week against the Detroit Lions. Coach Dave Wannstedt said he’ll give Raymont Harris, who has rushed for 199 yards and three touchdowns, more carries. . . . Green Bay Packer center Frank Winters could be out six weeks because of a broken left foot.
