
Series of Meetings on Headlands to Begin


The Planning Commission will meet Sept. 18 to discuss future development of the Dana Point Headlands.

Sponsored by the city, the session is the first in a series of community meetings on the Headlands, one of the last large undeveloped parcels of coastal property in Southern California.

The 122-acre property has been mired in controversy since 1994, when voters rejected plans for a 400-room hotel, a commercial center and up to 370 homes at the site.


An appellate court upheld the two voter referendums, but said the city must allow some development or compensate the landowners.

The property is owned by M.H. Sherman Co. and Chandis Securities Co., a firm that oversees the financial holdings of the Chandler family, a major stockholder in Times Mirror Co., which publishes the Los Angeles Times.

The community meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the council chamber, 33282 Golden Lantern, Suite 210.

Information: (714) 248-3564.
