
Seniors Group Plans Candidates’ Forums


The Ventura City Council election season is in full swing, with the Ventura Senior Coordinating Council sponsoring two forums for candidates in the next two weeks.

The first forum will be held Friday at 1:15 p.m. at the Santa Clara Senior Center, 420 E. Santa Clara St. The second will be held Sept. 26 at the Country Estates Mobile Home Park clubhouse at 10685 Blackburn Road in east Ventura.

Candidates will make individual presentations and answer questions.

“This is to get a rapport between the senior population and the candidates,” said forum committee member Dorothy Schupbach. She said the forums would focus on senior issues such as pedestrian crossings and ways in which seniors could be better accommodated at parks.


For more information, call Maxine Culp at 643-2653 or Schupbach at 642-1635.
