
Cats Killed


I read with horror and disgust the Sept. 8 article about three high school boys accused of bludgeoning 16 cats to death at the Noah’s Ark shelter in Fairfield, Iowa.

The “boys will be boys” attitude is getting a little passe when it comes to violence against people and animals. The statement about cats and boys being enemies is a farce. The only enemy greater than a small, helpless animal is a person’s insecurity and hatred, and the community that fosters this hatred. Cases have shown that abuse against animals spreads to abuse against other children, siblings, spouses and others. In the worst cases, if unchecked, these violent acts could lead to the serial killers of the future.

It is about time that people realize that the humane way to manage cat and dog populations is to neuter pets. The nominal cost of this procedure may prevent a lifetime of neglect or cruelty to your pet.



La Verne
