
Use of SAT Scores in UC Admissions


Re “UC Urged to Drop SATs as Admission Criteria,” Sept. 19:

To eliminate SAT scores as an admissions criterion solely to raise the number of eligible Latino students is a travesty and an insult to Latinos. If an ESL student cannot translate fast enough to get the answers right, then he should improve his English skills. If Latinos aren’t making the grade in other ways, then demand from them that they try harder. Challenge them and challenge your K-12 establishment to do better.

California already offers more second chances than most places. The California State University and community college systems are there to take in those who have failed to enter the highest levels. Societies must have failure in order to judge success. If Latinos and blacks aren’t cutting it, address the causes of their inadequacies. Don’t sweep them under the rug by making arbitrary changes to pedagogical measurements.


Granada Hills

* What irony! In the same edition (Sept. 19) that The Times carried a story reporting that the superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School District had announced a bold initiative to emphasize the three Rs in order to help district students (predominantly Latino) earn better scores on standardized tests, there is another story detailing a proposal from affirmative action apologists in the University of California, whereby the SAT would be dropped as one of the system’s criteria for admission because Latino students don’t score as well as other ethnic groups.


While educators in Santa Ana are diligently trying to find ways to improve the performance of their students, the social engineers at UC are saying, “Don’t worry, it doesn’t really matter.”


Director of Credential Programs

Department of Education

UC Irvine

* Murmurs to eliminate SAT scores from admissions criteria at the UC system, to further politicize the admissions and academic programs at our taxpayer-supported entity, come as no surprise. In just one generation, California’s entire public education system has been crippled by agenda-toting bureaucrats, politically biased teachers unions and special interest groups that have emphasized quotas and neglected basic skills. The lack of proper education in California classrooms has poorly prepared the next generation for the highly competitive business world. Proof positive, even the SAT is too tough for California’s kids.

Now the regents (with the media in tow) plan to make the UC system the academic laughingstock of the nation. As a result, the entire world will learn what we USC alumni have known for quite some time: If you want a solid education, steer clear of public schools.


Santa Barbara

* UC should drop all admission requirements and select students using the lottery to improve minority enrollment.


Oak Park
