
Teacher Died of Exposure, Dehydration


A Santa Ana schoolteacher who became lost in rugged terrain near Idyllwild died of exposure and dehydration, according to an autopsy report completed Wednesday.

Diana Furry, 51, of Laguna Beach suffered “some scrapes and scratches” suggesting that she may have tried to hike through a heavily wooded area, but the autopsy found no broken bones or significant injury, said Sgt. Mark Lohman of the Riverside Sheriff’s Department.

“There was no foul play,” Lohman said. “By every indication, she died of exposure.”

The autopsy failed to determine the time of Furry’s death. The popular Monte Vista Elementary schoolteacher was the subject of a weeklong search by rescue teams before her body was found Monday.


“It’s a matter of days--we know that--but we can’t pinpoint it beyond that,” Lohman said.

Furry was driving to a New Age festival near Idyllwild on Sept. 13 when she apparently took a wrong turn and her car became stuck in soft dirt about 11 miles off California 243.

Her body was found in a ravine not far from where her car was located. Authorities believe she may have fallen while looking for help.
