
Hillary Clinton


In “First Lady Blames Anti-Arkansas Bias for Woes” (Aug. 12), Hillary Clinton once again exhibits her paranoid views for all the world to see. Instead of looking at her relationship with the president, Mrs. Clinton chooses to spray some verbal buckshot at those critical of her husband’s infidelities, outright lies and abuse of the legal system.

While the secular left maintains its fascination with Hillary and her “brilliance,” people with common sense can’t help but wonder when she’ll open her eyes to the truth of her marriage. Hillary, wake up and smell the coffee!




Is there a right-wing conspiracy trying to bring down our president? Maybe, maybe not!

In my heart of hearts, I sincerely believe that hadn’t the health insurance companies silenced President and Mrs. Clinton, and hadn’t right-wing federal justices appointed a prosecutor who is harassing our first couple, we might be having a discussion about why four children killed other children. We might be concerned about why two young children in Arkansas and two children in Chicago are so far out of mainstream society that they could commit such heinous crimes.


Instead of talking about whether our president deposited DNA on an intern’s dress, we might be discussing how all of our fellow citizens might have access to health care.




On Aug. 10 we read that Carl Bernstein calls the Kenneth Starr affair “national madness.” On Aug. 12 we learn, via Gore Vidal (Commentary), that it’s a corporate conspiracy.

First, it’s not national. It’s a Beltway madness that most Americans view as just another symptom of a corroded system. Bernstein needs to visit America more often.

Second, corporations use both parties for their ends--they are political atheists. Vidal is equally out of touch.

The Starr business is a party food fight among the second-rate persons willing to endure the Potomac odium. Innocent citizens are merely trying to avoid the stains.


Newport Beach


Vidal (“Arkansas Project” and “We the People” conspiracy theories, Hillary Clinton (“vast right-wing conspiracy” and “Arkansas-phobia” theories) and Camille Cosby (“permanent black victimhood” and “American hate-teaching” theories) all must be part of a not-so-vast (I hope!) goofball conspiracy.





Regarding Starr: I find it ironic that the man who has spent over four years and $40 million trying to ruin the Clintons now finds himself on the defensive. If he did leak secret information to the media, his crime is profoundly more egregious than anything the Clintons are suspected of doing. What goes around comes around!




I believe that the Golden Rule includes not asking anyone any questions that we would not respond to ourselves.


Los Angeles
