
Bilingual Education


I feel sorry for so many who, in this land of plenty, make themselves and others bitter, fearful, suspicious and totally unhappy over the absence of bilingual education.

Let’s give some thought to the hunger that people are suffering in foreign lands instead.

The lack of bilingual education was never a problem in America until recently. Generations of immigrants have become productive, prosperous, responsible, respected American citizens without the assistance of bilingual education. They learned the language by using it. They were motivated to learn it because they were grateful to be in a country that gave them hope for a better life. I don’t believe that today’s immigrants are less able to learn; perhaps they are less motivated.

Language is a living thing. It must be used to become fruitful.

Those who rush to have their children removed from all-English classes should give it more thought. Children can adapt to a new language more easily when young.


Bilingual education as it is practiced today is discriminatory because it does not treat all languages equally. Much of the money used for these programs could be used for more helpful, needed programs such as health, housing or job training. Let us be truly thankful for what we have and are able to achieve in this blessed land.

