
Block Campaign Continues


Re “Sheriff Block Dies; His Campaign Still On, Backers Say,” Oct. 30: I wish I could convey in these written words the high-pitched, incredulous sound in my voice when I ask: “Has this town gone nuts?!” Am I the only one who sees how ludicrous this continuing campaign is?

It was bad enough that a man so ill that there was no way he could carry out his duties was still campaigning to be sheriff. But now the man is dead (I’m very sorry for his family and friends) and before he dies he “made it clear to me (Jay Grodin, chairman of the campaign committee) last Sunday that he wanted the campaign to continue no matter what happened.”

So from this “lucid” statement Grodin informs us “the campaign continues forward.” I would think a more sane approach would be to postpone the election for awhile, maybe get a new candidate up and running; but at the least the Block campaign should bow out gracefully.


This county will be the laughingstock of the country if the late Sherman Block continues to “run” and, heaven help us, is elected.


Los Angeles


Voters of Los Angeles County: While we mourn the passing of Sheriff Block, let us not engage in the macabre business of propping his remains up on the ballot box. Do not give the Board of Supervisors the bizarre opportunity to posthumously appoint some favored successor chosen behind closed doors. Don’t besmirch Block’s career with the trappings of morbid sentimentality and suspect cronyism.

There is a fine candidate awaiting our approval. Lee Baca is a good man and well qualified to be sheriff of Los Angeles County. Let us cast our votes for him.


La Mirada
