
Book Smart

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Do you find yourself referencing Urkel while your friends are quoting Updike? Don’t despair. Check out Calendar Live!’s Books & Talks page.

Sample the latest bestseller with its First Chapters feature, check out the list of area reading groups or pick from a weekly list of author readings and signings.

You’ll also find the Los Angeles Times’ complete Sunday Book Review available throughout the week, plus the latest book news and reviews.


Calendar Live! may be on the World Wide Web, but it still knows the value of the printed page.

Art Smart Are you framing pictures from last year’s Ansel Adams calendar? Maybe you should consider investing in some original art for your walls. Calendar Live!’s Art Page spotlights new artists in town and features a complete list of galleries.

Eat Smart Need to impress a date? Have to take the boss out to dinner? Then you probably don’t want to make a bad dining decision. Let Calendar Live! pick the right restaurant for you.


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