
Mt. Baldy


* It was with great interest that I read about the Aetherians, who believe that in 1959 advanced space beings stored extraordinary amounts of cosmic energy in Mt. Baldy (Oct. 4).

In 1959 I was a curious 4-year-old living in Glendora, with Mt. Baldy in sight, who asked the local trash man what he did with all that trash he and his co-worker picked up in my neighborhood. The trash man, probably eager to get away from persistent questioning and to continue on his rounds, squatted down to my level, looked me squarely in the eye and said, “We take the trash up to the top of those mountains and spacemen come down from the skies and eat up all the trash.”

Of course, at the time I was in awe of the concept as I looked toward Mt. Baldy, and went home to proudly tell my mom of this magnificent piece of information I had just learned. Well, as I grew older, I did come to my senses and began to realize that this story could not possibly be true. But now, after reading about the Aetherians’ beliefs, I just don’t know.



La Puente
