
Tingstrom Scheduled for Cancer Surgery


Councilman Jack Tingstrom will undergo treatment later this week for prostate cancer, he said Monday.

Tingstrom, 63, said he learned of the cancer three weeks ago. He is scheduled for surgery Friday at Community Memorial Hospital, where he expects to convalesce for three to four days.

“It’s been playing on my mind for the past few weeks,” he said after the council meeting.

Tingstrom, who has a history of health problems including two heart attacks in 1996, said he is not in any pain.


He did joke, however, that he’s “tired of people poking around.”

Tingstrom--who has been on the council since 1991--told council members of his cancer last week, said Councilman Sandy Smith.

“All we can say is that our prayers are with him and his family,” Smith said.

Mayor Jim Friedman echoed the sentiment and said everyone at City Hall is pulling for Tingstrom’s quick recovery.
