
‘Last’ Is First


I thoroughly enjoy the suggestions for a really fast meal in “The Last Minute,” and some are particularly innovative and good. We tried the Brie in Sourdough Bread; it was delicious (I added a couple of ounces of additional Brie to fill the bread bowl a bit more).

I often wonder how mothers can possibly cope with dinner making after work and arriving home at 6:30 or so. Despite the recent objection to a submission as yucky, the tuna and two soups idea is a solution that works.


Van Nuys

I love “The Last Minute.” I always find something I can whip together while my two small children cling to my legs, clawing for dinner. The children appreciate my effort, as they are tired of dry, stale Raisin Bran for supper.


Thus I was slightly hurt and offended by the letter written to you by David Goodwin and Michele De Vita. They found the July 28 recipe of good ol’ cream of mushroom, rice and veggies “not exactly deserving of publication in one of the nation’s major papers.” They suggested some good French bread with a little pa^te.

First of all, I would be lucky to find a rock-hard hot dog bun in my house, and second, my kids would feed the pa^te to the dog before they would eat it. If the food editor takes the authors of this letter to heart, my kids will have to go back to eating stale bran flakes. Please, keep writing for all your readers, not just the food snobs.


